"Transforming Waste into Renewed

"Revitalize, Renew, Recycle – Your Partner in Sustainable Waste Management

Our Process

Super Powerful Feature

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Collect Responsibly

In this initial step, we make it easy for you to responsibly collect recyclables. From bins at your facility to scheduled pickups, our seamless collection process ensures that your waste is efficiently gathered for the recycling journey.

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Efficient Sorting and Processing

Once collected, our state-of-the-art facilities take over. Our advanced sorting systems ensure that materials are categorized accurately, optimizing the recycling process. From paper and plastics to metals and glass, we're committed to maximizing resource recovery.

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Sustainable Transformation

The final step is where the magic happens. Your recycled materials are transformed into new, valuable resources. From paper products and packaging to repurposed metals and eco-friendly textiles, witness the sustainable transformation that contributes to a cleaner, greener planet.

About US

an exceptionally unique experience tailored to you

At Shiva Jaya Recycling Services, we pride ourselves on being pioneers in sustainable waste management. Committed to environmental stewardship, our team brings innovation and passion to every step of the recycling process, ensuring a brighter, greener future.

Our Customer

Our esteemed clientele spans diverse industries, each sharing a common commitment to eco-conscious practices. From local businesses to global corporations, Shiva Jaya Recycling Services partners with those who prioritize sustainability, making a collective impact in reducing our environmental footprint.

Our Product

Shiva Jaya Recycling Services delivers a range of high-quality recycled materials tailored to meet various industry needs. Our recycled products, including paper, plastics, metals, and textiles, are not just eco-friendly alternatives; they represent a tangible commitment to circular economies and responsible sourcing.

Our services

Our services go beyond traditional waste management. From efficient collection systems to cutting-edge sorting and processing technologies, Shiva Jaya Recycling Services offers end-to-end recycling solutions. Our tailored services ensure that every client experiences seamless and sustainable waste management, contributing to a healthier planet.

Who We Serve

No matter your business size or industry, we provide tailored and fully-managed waste and recycling services, nationwide.









How we work​



Our team of experts becomes your waste department. First, we audit each location’s waste and recycling operations to accurately identify your service needs. Then, we consolidate management across your entire portfolio and manage day-to-day operations so you don’t have to.

Dedicated waste experts prioritize your waste operations
Localized vendor procurement and facilitation of day-to-day waste and recycling services
Flexible invoicing to match your financial operations
Consistent, accurate financial and sustainability reporting
Project management for simplified change management.  ReadMore…


We leverage industry-leading, proprietary technology to collect and analyze data across each of your locations, giving us unparalleled operational and vendor oversight.

SJBillCheck™ technology scans every invoice to flag and resolve billing discrepancies.
SJPriceShield™ technology conducts portfolio-wide waste audits and forecasts savings opportunities.
SJOverSite™ and Waste Metering™ technologies provide unmatched operational and vendor oversight with accurate data collection. ReadMore..


We apply data-driven insights to provide unmatched, location-specific waste and recycling services to capitalize on cost savings and increased landfill diversion opportunities.

Data-driven insights reveal optimization opportunities like over-serviced locations, equipment changes or recycling opportunities to drive cost savings.

World-class services nationwide at industry-best rates through our vetted network of preferred vendors.

Industry-leading SJRecycle program enables maximum landfill diversion and Zero Waste strategies. ReadMore..


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